Focussed on Christian discipleship, this is an amazing opportunity to learn with others about what it means to follow Jesus and to be part of his Church. The teaching and experiential learning will stretch your thinking, deepen your faith, and bring you closer to God!
What does it cover?

What would a teaching session look like?
Course sessions are all face-to-face and will include interactive teaching, personal testimony, 1-1conversations and group discussion, as well as time for personal reflection and writing. Participants will be encouraged to use their own Bible, make notes as they wish during sessions, use follow up materials that will be made available online, and engage with wider reading and material which will be referred to during the course.

A School of Discipleship? What’s it all about?
The course comprises of four units:
1. The Disciple;
2. Disciples Together;
3. Disciples on Mission;
4. Disciples in Ministry.
Each unit has three teaching sessions, and after units 1, 2 and 3 there is a planned ‘pause’ of one or two weeks (depending on the church calendar) to allow participants space for personal reading or reflection on unit learning before the next unit begins. After unit 4 completes all participants are encouraged to gather for an evening celebration of sharing, thanks, worship and prayer.
Who is involved?
The course is led and coordinated by Ian White together with a local team who will welcome you,
make sure you have a cuppa and cake, and share in the teaching. Ian White is a member of Greenhill
Methodist Church, an accredited Methodist local preacher (1987), heads up Micah68
(www.micah6-8.org.uk) as a personal outreach ministry, is currently a freelance mission and ministry consultant and was previously a full-time lecturer, tutor and programme leader at Cliff College for over 20 years.

Is it for me?

Yes! Whatever your age or experience in the church, the course aims to deepen Christian faith, increase confidence and to allow participants to build on the knowledge and experience they already have. It would be an ideal next step for those who have taken the Alpha course or Bible Society’s The Bible Course and for use by house groups and individuals wanting a structured approach to teaching on Christian discipleship.
Whilst it will at times encourage participants to reflect on their discipleship through Greenhill Methodist Church, the course is open to all those seeking to follow Jesus Christ in
a deeper way, whatever their church background or membership. You would be very welcome!
When and where is it taking place?
We will post the dates that this course will be on, as soon as we have them available. To register your interest please use the contact button below.
Refreshments will be made available during the evening. The venue is
Greenhill Methodist Church, School Ln, Greenhill, Sheffield S8 7RL.

What if I can’t make every session?
We really want people to attend as many sessions as they can to get the best out of the
course. But life can get in the way, and we all have family and work responsibilities. The
sessions will not be recorded, but session materials will be uploaded to the cloud based
learning environment which all students will have access to.
Does it cost anything?
Yes, the cost of the course is £75.00 – which is cheap compared to many similar courses, but is a subsidised rate to encourage as many as possible to join in. If any GMC member really wants to sign up but has a problem with this cost then please talk to the minister Rev Jonathan Haigh.

Sounds great - where do I sign up?
Click on the booking form here! Please note that for GDPR your contact details will only be used for course contact unless you have already released them to GMC for other purposes.
What happens when I have Registered my interest?
Once you have registered you will receive a thank you email. Upon acceptance you will receive another email which will give you access to the core course documents, and give you some ideas for course preparation.