10:30am in The Sanctuary
We all start in church together before the children go to their Zone groups to learn more about Jesus. Included in the beginning of our service we have a church family song with Makaton signing.
We have groups for children aged 0-13 years old, although young people who prefer to are welcome to remain in the
main service. We ask that parents take their children to their groups to sign them in, and we will bring them back into the service shortly before it ends.
We take communion on the first Sunday of the month before the children go in to Zone.

Praise together
Every half term we have an all age service which will include worship and teaching accessible for all ages.
This is a great introduction for families and visitors to experience life at Greenhill.
Heart Of Worship
We love to worship together for extended periods of time on a Sunday morning and leave space for God to move and for prayer ministry, and each month of the year which has five Sunday's, we have a particular focus on this. We meet for coffee at 10am which is before the service, our next Heart Of Worship is March 2025 (date to be confirmed).
After every Sunday morning service Fair Trade tea and coffee is served in The Atrium.

Second Sunday @ 3pm
Traditional Worship at 3:00pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month followed by Afternoon Tea.
This is held in the large hall.